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Insights and Techniques for Data Science

With the explosion of data in recent years, data science has become one of the most important and rewarding fields in tech. However, analyzing and interpreting data is only possible with the right tools and techniques. Our Data Science Discoveries section provides essential resources for anyone interested in exploring this expanding industry.

On this page, you will find a wealth of insights and techniques for revealing actionable patterns in the vast amounts of data that businesses generate daily. Our articles cover everything from the latest data analytics tools and techniques to real-world case studies and success stories. Whether you’re interested in data visualization, machine learning or statistical analysis, our Data Science Discoveries resources provide the information you need.

A data scientist in a modern office space works at a laptop computer.
June 28, 2024
A Stevens Institute of Technology data science master's can help you develop an arsenal of hands-on skills that include machine learning, natural language processing and predictive modeling.
Data scientist presents risk management reports on a large digital screen to a group of stakeholders and consultants.
June 20, 2024
STEM skills overlap with the skill set required for data science success. If you're a STEM professional, now may be the time to add a data science credential to your resume.
Two female data scientists discuss work at a computer station.
April 22, 2024
From gathering application materials to securing financial aid, an enrollment advisor can facilitate your entry to an online MSDS program.
A data scientist works at a multi-screen computer.
December 15, 2023
Whether you’re looking to increase your earning potential, expand your remote work options, or are simply interested in data science, a data science master’s can set you up for success in a highly competitive, rapidly evolving field. Part-time programs, like the Online M.S. in Data Science from Stevens Institute of Technology, let you strengthen your […]
Digital futuristic blue wavy background featuring the term AI.
December 11, 2023
According to the World Economic Forum’s 2023 Future of Jobs Report, 75% of companies plan to adopt artificial intelligence technologies within the next five years. This increased interest in AI is driving rising demand for highly skilled data scientists and AI developers.  In line with this trend, McKinsey’s State of AI report notes that 33% […]
data science occupations
September 12, 2023
Data is the future and it’s data science that’s going to get us there. Those who know how to get the most out of data hold the proverbial keys to the kingdom. One of the sure-fire ways to be the one holding those keys is pursuing your data science occupations online degree. This is an […]
data science trends
August 1, 2023
If it can be measured, it can be recorded, tracked, logged, sorted, analyzed, fed into machine learning and more. In today’s world, more data is tracked than we can possibly imagine. The good news is, we’ve reached the point we can translate all that information into meaningful insights. By understanding the emerging data science future […]
data science master's degree
August 1, 2023
It’s often said data is the new oil. It can be an incredible boon to any company—as long as they are able to interpret it in a way that is useful. That’s where a master’s degree in data science comes into play. Data scientists know how to weave numbers into insights that allow key members […]
Data Science Resume: A pair of hands touches a phone and papers with data displayed in different charts and graphs.
March 31, 2023
The idea that people can glean a lot from data is nothing new. After all, we learn from experience and the missteps and successes of others. What is relatively new is our access to massive quantities of data — we now quantify, log, store and analyze those experiences, missteps and successes, as well as information […]
data science
April 25, 2022
The 2.5 quintillion bytes of data people generate every day are a valuable source of valuable insights. Organizations are investing accordingly, and IDC predicts the data science market will be worth $274 billion by the end of 2022. However, the buzz surrounding data science, artificial intelligence and predictive analytics has prompted some employment analysts and technologists to suggest […]